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Ways to Save on Your Electric Bill

Pingston Electric, LLC


Monthly bills are especially expensive during Florida’s hot and humid summers, when you need air conditioning to stay comfortable. Fortunately, you can lower your electric bill—and do your part for the environment—by following these tips.

Watch those electronics: Turn off the computer, TV, and other electronics when not in use. To prevent “energy vampires” from leaching electricity from the wall, unplug power adapters for cell phone chargers, laptops, and game consoles between uses. When it’s time to replace any appliances, look for ENERGY STAR® qualified products.

Use appliances wisely: Wait until cooler evening hours to run the dishwasher and dryer. Warm up food in the microwave or cook out on your grill instead of using the heat-generating oven or stovetop. These tactics prevent heating up your home in the summer, so you won’t have to rely on your cooling system quite as much.

Save on lighting: Replace the light bulbs you use most often with LED's. They consume less energy, generate less heat, and last up to 10 times longer than incandescent lights. Switch off the lights when you leave a room and rely on natural light whenever possible.

Run the air conditioner more efficiently: Efficient home cooling is the number one way to lower your electric bill in the summer.  Consumers in hot regions should use programmable thermostats, which can cut down energy costs as much as 20 percent. Additionally, be sure to replace your air filters regularly. Dirty filters are less efficient and increase cooling costs. When you’re home, set the temperature to 78 degrees and run a ceiling fan to help you feel about 4 degrees cooler. When you are going to sleep, or if no one is home, then you may even want to raise it a few degrees more.


There are so many ways to lower your bill that you might not think of. If you need help implementing these tips—whether you want to have a ceiling fan installed or indoor lighting rearranged—call Pingston Electric, LLC.  We can help with all your electrical needs. Our licensed electricians will also be happy to offer additional advice to help you lower your electric bill, in the summer and all year long.

Call us at 321-773-4651 or fill out an online contact form to schedule an appointment today!

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